10 May 2010

A Virgin Voter

In less than seven hours, voting precints all over the nation will open its doors for what is called the first automated election in the country. A lot of people are afraid of the election failing and some are praying for a successful one. And me? I really don't care.

I am already 27 and I have never exercised my right to vote and honestly, and unfortunately perhaps, I can't think of a specific reason why.

I have never been a fan of public office or the government. I think people only go to politics for fame, power and money. Really helping perhaps comes after everything else.

I just hope the next set of officers set true examples of leadership and the sincerity to help without being corrupt. That way, people like me will learn to appreciate a clean government free from corruption and broken promises.

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  • And that makes two of us. I mean, as far as the virgin voters go. I'm not even registered yet. I remember the tiring hell that took to get one's voter's ID, and I shudder.

    Miss you Brew!

    By Blogger Momel, at 10:14 PM  

  • So, what do you think noynoy?


    By Blogger Fickle Cattle, at 7:42 PM  

  • nice blog site. hmmm...i'm from the government and i do have my angst. However, a running government is still vital to avoid anarchy. sad that you see it otherwise. but i respect your thoughts. carry on...
    hotandheavy (PR)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:45 PM  

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2010 - Wow! I can't believe this blog is already 4 years old! I would like to thank everyone has been so nice to me and my blog. I am really happy that there are people out there who can relate to my life.

January 24, 2010 - I met this guy online who inspired me to write/blog again. To Sal, thank you for the inspiration. I owe you one.

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I am a frustrated artist who finds refuge in bitterness and solitude. Angst is what I speak and love is what I hide. I never want to be seen naked for in nakedness there is truth and truth I am afraid of. Reality never seems to be fair, life in fact is iniquitous.

I like to put up a facade like a masked man in a party. I like to exude and air of mystery and fear. For in fear I earn respect and respect I treasure.

I like to play God once in a while, controlling the people who surround me. I love to twist emotions and bring out the insides.

I have found love but it left me suddenly for reasons until now I do not understand. He pierced right through everything that is me and left a broken arrow in my heart. But I let that happen because I loved him so sincerely. If there was a time I really loved someone, it would be that time. He rocked my world; sadly, he rocked me to my death.


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