This should have been posted yesterday but since I already have a post for that day, I decided to post this today.

This pic does not really apply to the story. I just think the pic is funnyIt's almost 7 in the morning and I feel I haven't done anything productive here at work. All I did was check my friendster, blog, g4m and downelink acounts. If my boss finds out, I'm over. TL, you are not reading this, right?
Last night this guy I was dating texted me thanking me for all the memories we shared. It sounded like a goodbye thingy and indeed it was. He was my pseudo boyfriend and we've been dating for more than a month now. He is 18 and he is straight - or so he says saying he has a girlfriend. I kinda believe him.
How we met
He texted me out of nowhere and since his number was not listed in my list, I gave him the usual, "sino ka naman?" He said we have been textmates in 2006 and that he stopped using SUN and that now he's using the network again. He also said that I was planning to court him. The thing is, I cannot remember anything about him. Let's call him John for anonimosity. He lives in Villamor and his dad is in the air force. He currently studies in Lyceum.
We first met at Glorieta after my shift around 10am. We had breakfast (I know it's late) and coffee after and headed to my place where I gave him one helluva blowjob. He said he liked it. The next meetings were basically the same until the recent one - he offered to give me a blowjob. At first I was a bit uncomfortable that a supposedly "straight guy" was giving me head but he said he loves me and I love being sucked so I said sure.
He went home around 4pm that day regardless of my subtle plea for him to stay. He said he had to accompany his younger sister to SM Mall of Asia. I let him go and got cold towards him after. I tested him and would reply short messages to his texts. He felt it and he said sorry but I didn't budge. Eventually he thought I was avoiding him, that was when I got guilty and said sorry. Although there was no break-ups, it still feels that way. Not that I am complaining 'coz it's totally my fault.
I kinda miss him now. He's really nice and sweet and he would always tell me how much he loved me and how he wanted to see me everyday, to be with me. He even always said that he loved me more than his girlfriend. Now I feel terrible about what I did. I broke his heart. If ever his really gay or if he becomes gay, I feel bad thinking that ruined his first gay relationship. Argh!
I kinda miss him. I hope he gets over me and does not do anything stupid. He was really emotional in his messages.
Argh! I hate this feeling...
Labels: blowjobs, guys, straight